Saturday, 11 September 2010

drawers i like

blu owns it
paul blow for the paper i realy want to get this these poeple

bom k , i got this book went i was 16 still realy into he takes the piss

paul blow proper illustator style i want this style as well the line marks make his look like a playmabearl

pen skills

albert reyes drawing flowy style i got his book he got skills with his pencil it looks tricky i want to do a buterfly drawing like this blex bolex this style makeing me think this beening drawing for years its simple ,interesting the head ones cool i have to rip this off its a good clean style confient style no detail bold colour i like this but drawing in detail is so much fun
stuart kolakovic done so much jobs for big things like m&s to name a few looks fun bold 5 colour print looks crazy wise man with skull helmet crushing a city floating house in background ,

pen camp

these guys are pen kings there good at makeing papper look amzaing

this is the best style if i could draw like this i wouldnt go out , only to paint em massive

i go this zine from new york i have a box of zines this is my best one by a long way its drawn by brent harada and rusty jordan , the detail and clearnes from the chartiartes they look fun but dont look crap if i could draw like this i would give up because this is the top end of style they look amazing i wounder how much they enjoy drawing them i wonder how much time i spent looking at this if i draw like this i would draw massive all the time , i do anyway but mine ones are realy bad when awair of this style ,, espelchey last night one jezzas

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

monsters vs the world

my name in monsters
sober up fool got a tiny brush draw today

this is ment to be my carear plan so a teeth man with a crayon

somethings on my mind mega doodle