Monday, 30 November 2009

art attack

mat coilins and ed davieedwands made a zine its not just a zine its a pretty nice one check them out , good luck theres no link
josh and jack we explored a abondons factory in brordstairs , scarys saw a herion needal that day and i swear there was someone one it there this time we climed to the top king of the castle
some page i been arting up

well spezzed with this one caned the time its a day i had in amsterday as this are project i think its gone down well at drawing club as its the only thing i done thats not a monster or just stuf f thats got no meaning why stuff need meaning ? ba ba ba

art students one for craig scott ,, here you are craig called kev

lorna pass but i just want to draw them

crabs buddy stick together its a hard life coz it is in the water ? yep

Thursday, 19 November 2009

amsterdam was too much fun

drawing on crabs got into this druw on 10 useing them for the duck and cover zine

just came back from amsterdam witch was too much fun
d sam giles and i painted massive in amerdam witch was realy fun we spent two hours making a brigde out of sofoes crates and bins so our monster came out the water crap photo but a lest it proves i not just making in up to dark we painting till the sun set day well spent action shoot me holding the brush


a painted this in the hotels nightclub the hotel was covered in tags so i helped out two

cyleing lib and sam joe in front a fun outing on bikes for most the day and didnt have a map just a pen and cammars and biscuits , perfect

Friday, 6 November 2009

more art !would you believe it ?

invested in coulour ink pens 0.3 lino wolf and smoker stuff

snacks and my kichein

tram as weregoing to amestdam this sunday with art school pow its going to be never beter then ya read this blog as look foward

x ray chicken and watches to
make shore the bird dont get radiozxtive

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


new zine it town wow ! i down belive it "i want one" hope thats want your thinking sold about 10 in the zine fair in london sunday got 30 left if you want one leave a comment i could do with a comment LAUREN for that site ,, anway if you want one just ask
a page


ed davies modeling the mask from the plantet pain dooom if #you ever eard of it ? mat colins photo you can purchess this photo for 20p