dan and i played a drawing game and ended up with this i want to make this into a t shirt
man with lots of hands
me and mat are drawing on a1 for horse brigde gallery 25 pounds to put it in and got about 2 weeks to finsh not reary started it yet me as a baby alien head over
another raydar machine i lot rely into these
another raydar machine i lot rely into these
heres a petrol station and close by a petshop if you want cheap valiantines prezzant and a gold fish this is your best bet
heres a petrol station and close by a petshop if you want cheap valiantines prezzant and a gold fish this is your best bet
rayar machine wrong way up
be going to a few boat fews got myself a drawing board looks the part but i prefer a desk try to get the hang of it truck 2
t truck 1
head blobs
my end show
this oil rig is from my end show witch ended about a month ago just ever uploaded it